Friday, June 26, 2009


Marine Life

Watch the video clip and answer the questions below. Use the information from the clip to create a habitat for your marine organism project. Was the video clip helpful to you? Why or why not?

  1. What kind of relationship do sea anemones fish have with the anemones? Why?
  2. How is it that the sea anemones fish can survive in the toxic cells of the anemones? Give details!
  3. What are some other organisms that have a similar relationship as the sea anemones fish to the anemones? Describe.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Global Warming Debate

Global Warming has become more of a prominent issue in the 21st century. Based on your research and the facts provided to you in class, share your thoughts on this debate. Do you think Global warming is mostly a result of man's mistreatment of our environment or is it a natural-occurring phenomenon? Provide detailed support for your claims.